To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we use a simple average.
To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.
Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
Very good service from Writer Claire, very professional and helpful with much in the way of useful advice. I highly recommend Claire to those who want a slick and professional experience.
My experience was marred by the advice at the outset before reaching Claire to take a bundle of 2 CVs. However, the 2nd CV was redundant and therefore a waste of money. Make the right decision for you and be clear about what you want or you may feel a little cheated. This was compounded by a hard sell of ATS optimization for a 'Limited Time Only'. Because of the bad advice at the outset I cannot trust that taking this service is worth it.