Customer Reviews of Additional Version by Standard Writers

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Standard Writer Additional Version

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To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.

Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
They don't understand how a career change CV works
Reviewed on | ATS Optimization |Verified Purchase

I have used the service 3 times in total. The last two recent times has been a complete disappointment. I have been looking for a career change and yet only get calls or interest from my previous background, some of the tasks are literally the ones I had already added and some are repeated. I wanted a brand new CV for a career change and instead some new things were added to an already existing CV. I don't know what more to say £149.00 later and nothing from any industry.

A profile picture depicting null.
Katy- Chief People Officer
Thank you for your feedback, Afshan. It is so disappointing to learn that you are not actually happy with the latest work that we completed for you, particularly when your feedback on the order itself stated "It is perfect" back on 10th October.
Changing career can be challenging as you are inevitably going up against people who do already have experience in the sector you are targeting, so it can take longer to break into the new field. Also, your latest order was actually for an ATS Optimisation (i.e. not a completely new CV, but an optimisation of an existing CV) and it sounds as if that probably wasn't the best service for you after all. With that in mind, we would love to offer you a complete rewrite of your CV, for free. Please connect with us via your most recent order if you would like to take advantage of this offer.